I guess it has been awhile since I have given any sort of update, so here it is...First off, my apologies...we got a new computer and just barely got all of the software programs back on it. I have been a major slacker, I know. Things around here have been GREAT! In a nutshell here is what we are up to...
Rob, is about to turn 30 next Sunday...he is still working at Edge Products as a calibrator and he LOVES his work. He has been doing work on alternate fuels and has really been enjoying it. He has been assisting with CNG conversion kits, and even got to take a few trips to the EPA labs to make sure his work was in compliance with emission standards. Of course, he did AMAZING and met the companies target goals on his first try. He is gearing up for another season of riding and golfing, now all we need is some warm weather.
Kate, I am still trying to balance the whole work-family issue that is called life. I am working in the Endocrine and Diabetes Clinic as a research nurse conducting clinical trials for Type 1 diabetics. I work up there about 30+ hours a week, and try to take a few days off during the week to work on my most important job...Bennett Awesome Race Story. I am also working once a pay period in Adult Psychiatry to make sure I am staying sane at the end of the day. I take off Mondays and most Fridays to stay home and play with my boys. Laundry, dishes, sweeping, vacuuming, and dusting still also consume a lot of my time.
Bennett is going to be turning 4 this March. For now, I am cherishing every moment of his 3 year old days. He LOVES being 3, and has to has everything three's. Our dear friend Derek has convinced Bee that he is so awesome, he should be names Bennett Awesome Race...so, we now have to refer to him as that. He will correct you. He is going to preschool two days a week and LOVES it. He loves the kids and loves learning fun and exciting things each day. He is a very lucky boy to have his best buddy and cousin Bowen join him in the same class. Consequently, they end up playing for several hours each week. They are so cute together and say the funniest things. Bennett is OBSESSED with Transformers, especially Optimus Prime. He was Optimus for Halloween this year, and was good enough to get a HUGE Optimus Prime from none other than Santa Claus this year. He loves music, movies, and reading...hmm. Wonder where he gets that from. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree or trees in our case.
Anyways, that is pretty much what we are up to. I am going to try to be better at posting and keeping up on the pics of the cute little boy...