Walking around in the trailer.
I was about to have a melt down last week, here I was still carrying around a 15 month old, about to be 16 month old. I was so over him not walking!! It wouldn't be so bad, excepting that since he was 10 months we have been thinking any day now. Friday, while we were going to breakfast up in Rexburg, Bennett wanted his daddy. Grams was carrying him, so she put him down and said "OK, go get your daddy." And that little monster walked right over to Rob like it was no big deal. We all started screaming, clapping, and cheering for him. He was so excited, so of course he kept walking and walking. I wouldn't say that he is a full time walker yet, but he is definitely getting the hang of it. He mostly walks, unless he wants to go fast, then he sits down and does the booty scoot. He is such a cute little boy, and we are having so much fun with him. He is also a very good little kisser! He loves to kiss his mama's cheeks, and blows kisses to almost everyone else. He loves to smack his lips together, the sound makes me laugh. He is saying please, and thank you a lot too. He is starting to really imitate everything I do. Today he even ate an entire yogurt with his own spoon, and didn't make too much of a mess. I can't believe that he is getting so big. He is now 32 inches tall, and weighs 22 pounds. He spends his time driving around anything with wheels, and going up and down the stairs as many times as I will let him.
I can't believe he is walking! It seems like he was just born yesterday. They grow up WAY too fast!
YEAH thats so great!!! He is so stinkin cute!!
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