Thursday, July 31, 2008

Revised Tonsillectomy Update...

Well, I guess my husband wanted to know how much I really loved him. Wednesday he finally started to feel good after a week of laying around doing nothing. He must have over done it just a wee bit while we were chasing Bennett around. I went to go get B some milk, and Rob went into the bathroom. All of the sudden I hear "honey...,"in a desperate, horrified voice. I ran into the bathroom where it appeared that my husband was bleeding to death. The bathroom looked like a murder had occurred in there, and Rob had so much blood coming from his mouth and nose that he couldn't even pause long enough to take a breath. I went into panic mode, I spent so much time researching all the nursing interventions of a post tonsillectomy hemorrhage, however in our little house I didn't have a pair of curved hemostats, a massive pile of 2x2's, or any materials to start an IV. CRAP! Oh, and I had a baby on my hip. So, first things first we need to stop the bleeding, how do you stop the bleeding in some one's throat with no equipment? AHHH! I called our neighbors to see if they could come watch B, and fortunately Chad had logical reasoning intact and called 911 for me. I left Bennett on the floor, grabbed some ice packs and all but strangled Rob to try to get the bleeding to stop. He bled steadily for about 25 minutes before the blood started to clot. We figured he lost about 2.5 liters of blood all together. It really scared me, it was like someone turned a hose on and no one knew where the shut off valve was to turn it off. The ambulance got to our house pretty quickly, and they started an IV and took him to the ER. Once we were there, the bleeding had stopped for the most part. We spent the night in the ER, mostly for observation and fluid. He lost so much blood, that even after what seemed like gallons of NS he was still pretty questionable. The really scary thing is that only of the scabs came off. All that blood from one tiny tonsil scab, I was shocked. Now, I know why adults bleed to death after tonsillectomies. SCARY!!! Anyways, Rob is now doing well again. We got him pretty well hydrated, and his labs are still low, but acceptable. I figure it will take a few days for his body to be back to a state of well being. I am just so glad that he is young and healthy enough for his body to be able to compensate after a hemorrhage that bad. Everyone pray that the other scab does not come off! I have confined Rob to bed rest, and a clear liquid diet. He may hate me for it, but at least he will live to see another day. I just want him to know that I love him very much! And even though he thinks that I am strong enough to make it without him, I really do not want to find out. Rob, I love you, please get well soon! And when I say soon, I mean really soon, this is taking forever and I want my able bodied husband back!


Daniel and Kelsie Frandsen said...

Oh my gosh Kate that is SOOO scary I hope Rob gets better soon!! Your a good nurse wife to take care of him so well :-)

Pieces of Us said...

Holy smokes! That scared me just reading it, I can't imagine being there. Good thing he has you to take care of him! Let me know if you need anything!