I have been tagged to do the husband survey....Here goes!
1. What is his name? Benjamin Robin Story.
2. How long have you been together? We have been married for three years, been together for 5.5 years, and have been friends since Junior High.
3. How old is he? He is 27 years old. He was born on Friday the 13
th, of February 1981.
4. Who eats more? Are you serious...Me! Rob never eats. He likes to drink. For dinner he will eat five bites of food, and then drink 5
gatorades. He doesn't need food to live. He hates food and to eat. And he even hates treats, because he doesn't have sweet tasting taste
budes after he bit his tongue off in high school. Food is like the one thing we don't understand each other on. I love to eat, obviously. And Rob just isn't feeling it. I sometimes wish that I had a hungry man.
5. Who said "I love you" first? Probably me. I have been in love with Rob since 7
th grade, so I was probably jumping the gun a little when I made the confession.
6. Who is taller? Rob! It would be pretty weird if some guy were shorter than me. I am only 5'2". Rob is about 5'10", so when I don't have shoes on, he is way taller...
7. Who sings better? Rob. He has a beautiful voice. I love it when we sing together. Although, since I don't play violin anymore, he always tells me that I am flat. So, now I never sing in front of him, cause I am scared that he'll tell me that I am off key.
8. Who does the laundry? That would be me. I pretty much do all of the housework. Isn't that what homemakers are supposed to do? Rob goes to work, and I stay home and raise the baby, clean the house, and cook the meals.
9. Who pays the bills? When we actually pay our bills, it is me. Rob and I are both horrid with bills and money. We try, but we really should hire someone to do that for us. I am thinking Ginger would be really good at that.
10. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I sleep on the right side. For the first two years of marriage, it was opposite. But since we have our B, the right side is closer to the door. So when I was nursing him, we switched so that I could be closer do the door. Weird huh, cause usually once you pick a side, you stay there forever...
11. Who mows the lawn? We both do. Our lawnmower broke last year. So, whenever it was my turn we would just borrow someones push mower, but if it was Rob's turn, all of the sudden it was no big deal to load up his dad's "
swather" and head down to our place. Interesting huh...
Acutally, I really enjoyed when his dad's was here. I would just load up Tyke and B on my lap and we would get
ir done....
12. Who cooks dinner? When we have dinner, it is me. Since I go to school every day from 4:30-9:30 we don't eat a whole lot in the evenings.
13. Who drives? Rob! I hate to drive with him, he is the worse side seat driver ever. He even tells his parents how to drive... So he drives us everywhere we go.
14. What does he like to do? snowboard, snowmobile, ride motorcycles, fix cars, read forums, have sex, you know...the usual man things.
15. Who is more stubborn? Uh...Rob. I am like the most easy going person ever, and he is SO stubborn. It is in the Story's genetic make up to be stubborn and have a temper.
16. Who kissed who first? I don't remember...we kissed for the first time when I was in 8
th grade. I just remember that it was on his parents couch. And he is an awesome kisser. I kissed a lot of boys after Rob, and no one even came close. I guess that is why, I went back and married the guy.
17. Who proposed to who? What is this question? What woman would propose to a man? He proposed to me. It was super fun, I always told the boys that I dated that if they didn't propose in a cute way, that I would say no. I guess Rob put a lot of thought into it, cause he did a dang good job.
18. Who has more friends? Rob, although they always end up being both of our friends. He is still best buds with all of his high school buddies, then he has work friends, then he has car friends, then he has snowmobile friends, then he has his random friends that I have no idea where he meets these people....
19. Who is more sensitive? I am going to have to go with Rob on this one. He is very sentimental to a lot of things, and his needs and feelings are really sensitive.
20. Who has more siblings? Me! I have Amos, my brother, and then Ginger, Josie (Ryan), and Deli (Dustin). So I guess I have six. Rob has Brad (Deb), Amber, and Ellie (Kent). So I just have one more than him.
21. Who wears the pants? Rob... There is never any alteration. Refer to ?# 15 for any questions...
I love my husband very much! He is a wonderful provider, and such a good daddy. Not very many men would support there wives through school, and take the kid for hours on end every night. You are the best!! Love you!